Sa Pedrera d'es Pujol

Sa Pedrera d'es Pujol

"Tradition in evolution" is the slogan that defines the cuisine of this establishment. Since its beginnings, they have been committed to using local products in their dishes, combining traditional and international recipes with modern techniques and always prioritising local produce.

In Menorca, they have been pioneers in this culinary philosophy. Dishes such as Oliaigua with figs in textures, Raya a la manteca negra, Formatjada Wellington or the dessert Revolución del queso de Mahón, have been on the menu for many years and are considered local classics.

They are very proud to maintain this tradition, but they also keep alive the illusion of continuing to evolve every day, without ever losing their passion for innovating and surprising their diners.

Camí des Pujol, 14, Sant Lluís

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