Ciutadella festivals

Ciutadella festivals

Held in Ciutadella on the 23rd and 24th of June.


  • 23rd June
    • 14:00 h - The ‘fabioler’ (flutist) asks permission to start the gathering of ‘Caixers’ and ‘Cavallers’ (riders).
    • ‘Caixer Senyor’ palace
    • ‘Caragol del Born’ horse gathering
    • Evening mass at Sant Joan de Missa
    • Throwing of hazelnuts
    • Contramurada
    • Horse races
    • Sa Plaça
    • Caragol de Santa Clara gathering of horses
    • Farewell, riding, of and ‘Caixer capellà’ and of ‘Caixer senyor’ from their housesTraditional refreshing drink to \"Caixerss\" and \"Cavallers\" (riders) \n'Caixer Senyor’ palace 

  • 24th June
    • 08:00 h - The flutist ask for permission to the ‘Caixer senyor’ to start the gathering with the riders or ‘Cavallers’.
    • 08.00 h Once the parade is ready, following the same protocol of the previous day, the following events take place in a chronological order:
      • Proves dels jocs des Pla, ensortilla y correr abraçats.
      • Horse races at Sa Plaça (Ses Voltes)
      • Caragol de Santa Clara gethering of horses
      • Farewell, riding their horses, of the ‘Caixer capellà’ and the ‘Caixer senyor’ The riders leave their horses in their places.
      • Meeting of Caixers and Cavallers at the Caixer Capellà house.
      • Then all riders ride together to the Caixer Senyor house, along with the Brass Band.
      • Arrival to the Cathedral for the mass \"Missa de Caixers\".
      • Refreshment for the riders at the Caixer Capellà.
      • Farewell on foot, of the Caixer Senyor.
      • Afternoon: Again, gathering of the horse parade to celebrate the following events:
        • Invitation by the Caixer Senyor to the Town Hall in front of it. Subsequently, he will go down and enjoy the ‘Jocs des Pla’ horse games.
        • ‘Caragol dels Casats’ gathering at Santa Clara Convent, and pray by the Caixer Senyor to the Convent's abbess.
        • ‘Jocs’ and ‘Caragol des Pla’ horse games.
        • Horse races at Sa Plaça
        • Caragol de Santa Clara gathering of horses. Farewell, riding their horses, of the ‘Caixer capellà’ and the ‘Caixer senyor’\nand\nFarewell on foot of the Caixer Capellà.
        • Darrer toc de fabiol (last flute song to mark the end of the festivities).
        • End of the festivities in the late morning. Far away, we can hear the last flute song and the words: “Fins l’any vinent, si Déu vol!\".