Alaior festivals

Alaior festivals

Held in Alayor on the second weekend in August.


  • Saturday
    • 13:30 h - Picture of all the people called \"Lorenzo\" (Lawrence) in Alayor
    • At the stairs of Santa Eulàlia church.
    • 16:30 h - Music parade around the streets with \"Colla Gegantera\" and \"Graella d'Alaior\" and the brass band
    • 17:00 h - The flutist walks to the Town Hall to ask for permission to the mayor rider to start the festivities.
    • 18:00 h - Brass band parade
    • Up to the Sant Pere Nou chapel
    • 20:00 h - Mass
    • 21:00 h - ‘Jaleo’
    • 00:00 h - Reception at the Town Hall

  • Sunday
    • 09:00 h - Brass and Drum band of Alayor reveille
    • 09:00 h - Gathering of the riders or ‘Qualcada
    • 10:30 h - Arrival of the ‘Qualcada to the Santa Eulàlia Church
    • 11:00 h - \"Caixers\" mass
    • 12:00 h - ‘Jaleo’
    • 20:00 h - Music and dancing
    • Es Ramal Square
    • 20:30 h - Fashion Chariots parade
    • 00:30 h - Fireworks