


  • Minimum average temperature: 17 ºC
  • Maximum average temperature: 26 ºC
  • Average temperature: 22 ºC
  • Rainfall: 7 dias de lluvia
  • Relative humidity average: 75%
  • Average sea temperature: 20 ºC


  • September: 07:12h-07:40h
  • October: 07:41h-07:12h
  • November: 06:42h-07:46h


  • September20:17h-19:29h
  • October: 19:27h-17:43h
  • November: 17:43h-17:20h

What clothing should you pack?

It's not that cold, but worth bringing a coat, windbreaker or waterproof jacket just in case, while also packing swimwear. We realise know that this might sound contradictory, but in September and above all October, there are still many days when you'll want to go to the beach and have a swim. Even more so when you find our beautiful virgin coves practically deserted. In November the weather tends to change radically and that’s when you’ll feel winter kicking in. It is more difficult to enjoy a day at the beach, but there have been some Novembers in recent years when you can easily go to enjoy the sun.