Summer in Menorca

Summer in Menorca


  • Minimum average temperature: 21 ºC
  • Maximum average temperature: 28 ºC
  • Average temperature: 25 ºC
  • Rainfall: 1 dia de lluvia
  • Relative humidity average: 65%
  • Average sea temperature: 22 ºC


  • June: 06:18h-06:19h
  • July: 06:19h-06:42h
  • August: 06:42h-07:11h


  • June: 21:07h-21:17h
  • July: 21:17h-21:00h
  • August: 20:59h-20:19h

What clothing should you pack?

During the summer months, Menorca reaches its highest temperatures, reaching maximums of up to 38ºC in July and August. In addition, due to the humidity, the wind chill is higher. So get ready, it's going to be hot! We suggest you pack swimwear, T-shirts and shorts. However, and if you can fit in your suitcase, take a windbreaker just in case a summer storm hits, although it's not the norm. Summer in Menorca is for enjoying the sunshine and our magnificent coves and beaches.