Quesos Torralba

Quesos Torralba

Its origins date back to 1939, when Josep Cardona known as "Bep de Torralba" and his family founded "Quesos Torralba", a small family business in the centre of the village of Alaior which was dedicated to supplying foodstuffs to the local farmers, many of whom exchanged them for cheese which he matured and then sold. Gradually, the business of maturing and selling "Quesos Torralba" grew and he moved to a larger warehouse, which had cellars and basements, ideal for the slow maturing of his cheeses at room temperature, where after 4 generations they are still being matured and pampered.

The "Quesos Torralba" are completely HANDCRAFT, made with raw cow's milk freshly milked, faithfully following the same traditional and artisan method that has been used for decades, bagging the curd one by one using cotton rags. This makes them unique.

The maturing of 'Quesos Torralba' takes place in natural maturing cellars/basements where the cheese is manually rubbed with oil and paprika every week and then turned by hand.

In addition, the wind, humidity and light of Menorca are responsible for giving the cheeses their peculiar, intense and unmistakable flavour, which has become the attribute most valued by consumers.

Carretera Nova, 56, 07730 Alaior, Illes Balears

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